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museumme - all messages by user

7/22/2021 5:39:42 AM
Advance notice helpful for fourth saturday, 7/24 Looking forward to seeing Larry! I might be 5 to ten minutes late depending on train connections.
My daughter had high praise fir the board game PARKS. I’d love to learn if someone has a copy. Also interested in another run at Crystal Palace
8/13/2021 4:22:17 PM
Dog days of gaming? August 14th I can be there but once more my time is constrained by transit schedules… anticipated arrival between 1:05 and1:10. And at 5:20 my coach turns into a pumpkin. Still looking forward to what comes in between.

8/27/2021 9:23:42 PM
August 28th, fourth saturday First… some good news, we sold our house in 5 days.

But as a consequence the bad news, I will need to spend this weekend.on an especially long “honey do” list to ready our place for home inspection Monday morning. Hope to join you in September.

9/10/2021 8:38:18 PM
9-11 gaming! I shoudl be there by 1:05 and need to leave at 5:20. if that's enough time to learn and play Merv, I'm in. Otherwise I'm open to suggestion.
12/29/2021 9:23:55 PM
2nd Saturday of January gaming? - cancelled As for me… I think I need to wait for a positive sign before returning to FTF gaming… if the numbers begin to subside later in January I’d be comfortable coming back for 4th Saturday games. But with DC area graphs all looking like Kevin’s chart for Arlington, I am really restricting my public exposure.

In the meantime… anyone interested in virtual gaming this weekend or next should feel free to reach out to me at museumme@verizon.net.

4/22/2022 7:13:19 PM
4th Saturday gaming? Thanks to Sheila…I’m. In too!
5/13/2022 4:04:20 PM
May 14 - gaming cancelled If anyone is interested in virtual games tomorrow meet me on the ABG Discord site tomorrow at 1pm.


Wishing John and his family a return to health.
6/10/2022 7:11:45 PM
June 11th - gaming cancelled again Sorry to hear that John. If it’s okay with you, I’ll plan to hang out at the ABG Discord site tomorrow at 1 and see if there are any takers for virtual games.
9/9/2022 6:49:33 PM
September 10th, 2nd saturday gaming Looks like I will be coming by train… arriving at your place at approximately 1:15. I am up for learning Ark Nova or just about anything that doesn’t exceed 3 hours
1/13/2023 6:09:22 AM
Gaming 1/14 I will be there … if Santa brought someone a copy of Wingspan Asia.. I’d love to give it a try.
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